Ma van a balkezesek világnapja! 2013-ban Viktória királynővel, 2014-ben pedig Martin Freemannel ünnepeltünk. Idén a zseniális balkezes színész, Andrew Scott szaval nekünk. Gyönyörűen. D. H. Lawrence Fish című, felkavaró, magával ragadó versének szövegét angolul megtaláljátok a tovább mögött.

Éljenek a balkezesek!:)



To be a fish !
So utterly without misgiving
To be a fish
In the waters.
Loveless, and so lively!
Born before God was love,
Or life knew loving.
Beautifully beforehand with it all.
Admitted, they swarm in companies,
They drive in shoals.
But soundless, and out of contact.
They exchange no word, no spasm, not even anger.
Not one touch.
Many suspended together, forever apart.
Each one alone with the waters, upon one wave with the rest.
A magnetism in the water between them only.
I saw a water-serpent swim across the Anapo,
And I said to my heart, look, look at him!
With his head up, steering like a bird!
He’s a rare one, but he belongs…

But sitting in a boat on the Zeller lake
And watching the fishes in the breathing waters
Lift and swim and go their way—

I said to my heart, who are these?
And my heart couldn’t own them…
A slim young pike, with smart fins
And grey-striped suit, a young cub of a pike
Slouching along away below, half out of sight,
Like a lout on an obscure pavement…
Aha, there’s somebody in the know!
But watching closer
That motionless deadly motion,
That unnatural barrel body, that long ghoul nose,…
I left off hailing him.
I had made a mistake, I didn’t know him,
This grey, monotonous soul in the water,
This intense individual in shadow,
I didn’t know his God,
I didn’t know his God.
Which is perhaps the last admission that life has to wring
    out of us.
I saw, dimly,
Once a big pike rush.
And small fish fly like splinters.
And I said to my heart, there are limits
To you, my heart;
And to the one God.
Fish are beyond me.

Other Gods
Beyond my range… gods beyond my God. .

They are beyond me, are fishes.
I stand at the pale of my being
And look beyond, and see
Fish, in the outerwards,
As one stands on a bank and looks in.

I have waited with a long rod
And suddenly pulled a gold-and-greenish, lucent fish from
And had him fly like a halo round my head,
Lunging in the air on the line.
Unhooked his gorping, water-horny mouth.
And seen his horror-tilted eye,
His red-gold, water-precious, mirror-flat bright eye;
And felt him beat in my hand, with his mucous, leaping
And my heart accused itself
Thinking: I am not the measure of creation.
This is beyond me, this fish.
His God stands outside my God.

And the goId-and-green pure lacquer-mucus comes off in my
And the red-gold mirror-eye stares and dies,
And the water-suave contour dims.
But not before I have had to know
He was born in front of my sunrise.
Before my day.
He outstarts me.
And I, a many-fingered horror of daylight to him,
Have made him die.
With their gold, red eyes, and green-pure gleam, and
And their pre-world loneliness,
And more-than-lovelessness.
And white meat;
They move in other circles.
Things of one element.
Each by itself.
Cats, and the Neapolitans,
Sulphur sun-beasts.
Thirst for fish as for more-than-water;
To quench their over-sulphureous lusts.
But I, I only wonder
And don’t know.
I don’t know fishes.
In the beginning
Jesus was called The Fish.
And in the end.


A vers teljes szövegét megtaláljátok ITT.


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IamSherLocked 2015.08.14. 08:45:20

Nagyon boldog balkezességet kívánok minden kedves balkezesnek egészen életük végéig! :)
Ez a vers viszont azért fura, meghallgattam. Andrew Scottot vitathatatlanul jó hallgatni, de nem értem a vers alaptézisét, miszerint a halak Isten szeretete előtt is léteztek. Ez azt akarja jelenteni, hogy Jézus előtt? Mert akkor előtte még sok más állat is volt...

PuffCinq · 2015.08.14. 11:36:54

@IamSherLocked: én is nagyon sokat gondolkodtam a versen. Feltétlenül kell keresnünk egy elemzést róla. Persze nem azért, hogy megmondják, mire gondolhatott a költő, de ennek a versnek annyi rétege van, hogy jó lenne fölfedezni.

ChristineJane 2018.01.05. 23:42:43

A vers felkavaró, Andrew csodálatos!!
süti beállítások módosítása